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黃金維 教授

Cheinway Hwang

黃老師專題: Speakers

Space Geodesy Laboratory (SGL) is a scientific group dedicated to geodetic research. SGL works closely with the Ministry of the Interior (MOI), Taiwan, to promote a wide range of studies using gravity data collected by MOI’s airborne and ship-borne gravimeters, and absolute and superconducting gravimeters. SGL is also active in satellite gravimetric research using data from the mission GRACE. Sample study subjects of SGL are geoid modeling, vertical datum determination, surface deformation, sea level anomaly monitoring, ocean tide modeling, groundwater and Kuroshio Current study.


黃老師專題: 圖片

衛星測高 (satellite altimetry)


衛星定軌 (Satellite Orbit Determination)

利用獲得之衛星追蹤觀測數據,進行衛星軌道的確定。傳統天體力學中,衛星定軌模型是一符合牛頓力學且無擾動的簡單二體問題, 惟現實中之定軌模型為一具有擾動的運動問題,故衛星真實軌道與運動微分方程所得之積分軌道間存有偏差。 為了獲得最接近真實軌道的積分軌道,必須根據大量的衛星觀測資料,同時考慮各項衛星擾動力 (如地球引力位、多體擾動、大氣阻力、太陽輻射壓、地球輻射壓、地球固體潮、海潮、相對論效應等)可能擾動偏差之影響, 利用參數計算方式進行精密衛星軌道的確定。

重力測量 (Gravimetry)

The main method to obtain gravity signals includes land-base, shipborne, airborne, satellite, and gravimetry. The instruments for collecting gravity measurements are usually divided into relative, absolute, and superconducting gravimeters. The information of gravity field is very useful for geophysics, geodesy, oceanography, geology, and even national defense, etc. For geodesists, the importance of the gravity is that it can help with obtaining a high quality geoid model; For oceanographers, the gravity is useful for the investigation of currents, tides, and sea surface topography; For geophysicists, the gravity can be used to understand the characteristics of the earth's interior sources; For geologists, the gravity is expected to aid in monitoring crustal deformation. Therefore, gravity modeling with high accuracy is always a primary goal for geoscientists.

合成孔徑雷達干涉量測技術 (INSAR)

合成孔徑雷達(Synthetic Aperture Radar, SAR)屬微波成像雷達,透過合成孔徑原理提升影像的平面解析力以獲得高解析度影像。 InSAR技術的基本量測原理係藉由衛星運行軌道的重複性及固定性,將相同區域內,兩組或多組不同時間獲取的SAR影像資料進行精準的幾何校正, 再經由干涉演算、分析所發展出的大地測量技術,其量測精度可達公釐等級, 目前已廣泛應用於地表變形測量及地形測繪等地球環境監測相關領域之中。

黃老師專題: News
黃老師專題: 圖片
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